Hello, welcome to this new blog, which will hopefully satisfy a niche we don't really see much of on the web.
In opposition to the buff, athletic male model types we see idealized everywhere, I love really slim, slender guys. I could talk about the zen simplicity of their forms, the purity of line and angle, the elegance of carriage or the endearing gawkiness of a really lanky lad. But instead I'll just say I think they're hot, and there aren't any good sites I can find dedicated to celebrating their beauty, so here ya go.
A lot of these posts are going to be dedicated to various movie stars and suchlike media faces. Most of the content here will be shamelessly snatched from the net, but I will post some of my own photography, as well. Not every guy will be totally skinny; any handsome fellow who seems worth posting will be included. But for the most part, I'm going to focus on the skinny, lanky types I love so well.
I'll inaugurate the blog with a picture I took of one of my favorite people. Here's the wonderful Michael J, a really nice, talented guy, and a gorgeous man. He's posing in front of the JFG Coffee sign on Gay Street in Knoxville, Tennessee. The tag line was, I thought, amusingly innuendo-laden.